3A9 LC-W85-79 |  |
Edward Henry Sines in printing office, 1897. |
3A11 LC-USZ62-63710 | Alonzo
Tucker and Clarence at back of bicycle shop. |
3A12 LC-W85-27 |  |
Alonzo Tucker and Clarence at back of bicycle shop. |
3A13 LC-W85-10 | Lester, Willie, and Paul Henderson. |
3A14 LC-W86-169 |  |
Enyort Crume, Billy Prentiss and Eleanor Prentiss. |
3B1 LC-W86-170 | Enyort Crume, Billy Prentiss and Eleanor Prentiss. |
3B2 LC-USZ62-66290 |  |
Daniel Henderson in front of 7 Hawthorn Street. |
3B9 LC-W85-58 | | Camp, 1899. |
3B10 LC-W85-66 |  |
Mr. & Mrs. Lindemuth, Shoup's Mill, near Dayton, Ohio, Aug. 1899. |
3B11 LC-W85-67 | Mr. & Mrs. Lindemuth,
Shoup's Mill, Aug. 1899. |
3C14 LC-W85-75 |  |
Harriet Silliman. |
3D4 LC-USZ62-66298 | William J. Tate and his family on porch of Kitty Hawk Post Office, 1900. |
3D5 LC-W85-88 |  |
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Tate, Kitty Hawk, ca. 1920.
See image for alternate identification! |
3D6 LC-W85-91 |
Life Saving Crew, Kitty Hawk, 1900. Capt. Payne, Oliver Twilford, James
Best, Ben Toler, Tom Saverleu, and Tom Heinz. |
3D7 LC-USZ62-66295 |  |
Life Saving Crew, Kitty Hawk, 1900.
Capt. Payne, Oliver Twilford, Joseph Best, Ben Toler, Tom Suerlin, and Tom Heinz. |
3F5 LC-W86-109 | Tom Tate in front of building, Kitty Hawk. |