Octave Chanute to Wilbur Wright

Chicago, January 20, 1904

I have your letter of 18th. I am greatly pleased that you now contemplate entering your machine at St. Louis. I trust that you will develop it in sufficient time and that you will carry off the main prize.

I was somewhat puzzled by your telegram at St. Louis. You talked while I was in camp of giving your performance, if successful, all the publicity possible, and you knew that I would not divulge the construction of your machine as I have never disclosed more than you yourself have published. Your telegram indicated a change of policy which you can more fully impart when I see you.

I now think of going to Cincinnati Thursday night, and could probably call on you Friday afternoon or Saturday. Please wire me in case you are not to be at home.

Octave Chanute to Wilbur Wright, January 26, 1904