Octave Chanute to Wilbur Wright

Chicago, July 27, 1903

I have your letter of 24th. I have written to the Revue to change, on page 11, "41" to "34," "1/20" to "1/25" on page 12 to suppress the word piano; and on page 14 to suppress entirely the last sentence beginning 7th line.

I was puzzled by the way you put things in your former letters. You were sarcastic and I did not catch the idea that you feared that the description might forestall a patent. Now that I know it, I take pleasure in suppressing the passage altogether. I believe however that it would have proved quite harmless as the construction is ancient and well known.

The use of the word twine was an inadvertence. I indicated on the manuscript that it should be translated by the word cordelette which means a line of any sort, and line is the proper word.

I suppose that you did not know that I had already mailed the article, and that time was an object.

Octave Chanute to Wilbur Wright, July 28, 1903