Octave Chanute to Wilbur Wright

Chicago, May 19, 1909

It is with great pleasure that I receive your friendly letter of 17th and the good news about all of you which it contains.

I have, of course, rejoiced over your triumphs in Europe and was particularly gratified with the sensible and modest way in which you accepted your honors, both abroad and since your return to this country. It encourages the hope that you will still speak to me when you become millionaires.

Please tell Miss Katharine and Orville that I congratulate them upon having seen the sights of the "Eternal City" under such happy auspisces.

As for myself, my health is good, but I begin to feel advancing age and my capacity for work is being diminished. I have lately bought a house and given it to my daughters, and I shall hope to receive you in it, if your engagements bring you this way.

I do not yet feel certain that I will be able to go to Washington to see you fly, but I shall hope to do so.

Wilbur Wright to Octave Chanute, June 6, 1909