Octave Chanute to Wilbur Wright

Chicago, September 5, 1904

I have yours of Aug. 28th, and congratulate you on the good progress you have made.

Mr. Avery started for St. Louis last night, to make arrangements to compete for the gliding prizes. He is to use an electric motor, and a portable railroad track and car. It will probably take him two or three weeks to get his plant together and make his preliminary experiments, which are to take place in the early morning. As he is not well off I am furnishing him the funds, and have therefore declined to act on the International Jury, for that concourse at least.

I enclose a translation of a letter just received from Capt. Ferber.1 He seems to have been called to the headquarters of the aeronautical department of the French Army at Chalais Meudon. I have no doubt that he will have a lovely time with Col. Chas. Renard, who has lately been publishing a lot of papers on aviation. I suppose that you have the Ferber pamphlet .2

1 Ferber to Chanute, Aug. 23, 1904.

2 "Les Progres de l'Aviation," which appeared in the Revue d'Artillerie, Mar. 1904, p. 261.

Wilbur Wright to Octave Chanute, September 18, 1904