Wilbur Wright to Octave Chanute

Dayton, May 5, 1904

Your letter of Apr. 27th has been received. I hope the French aviators will be very cautious with their preliminary work and not allow themselves to attempt long or high flights until they are sure they have abundant control. I apprehend that they will start with larger machines than they should.

A three days' trip to Huntington, Indiana, in connection with that church trouble has delayed our work on the machine somewhat, but we expect to be ready for a trial in about ten days. We are looking forward to the pleasure of a visit from you about that time if your engagements will permit. We will keep you informed as the machine approaches completion, and hope there will be no disappointment like that of last year.

So far we have not been subjected to the slightest annoyance from visitors or newspapers. I think the reporters are not aware of what is going on.

Octave Chanute to Wilbur Wright, May 7, 1904