Wilbur Wright to Octave Chanute

Dayton, August 23, 1903

1 have your letter of 17th and thank you for the synopsis of glides with wind velocity added. My idea in asking for a record of consecutive glides was not only to get an understanding of the range of variation in the angles of descent, but also to note the degree of control which, as in our glides, would be shown by the proportion of successful consecutive glides. In order that comparisons of different machines may be of real value it seems to me that the conditions should be as near alike as possible. Thus glides should be selected for comparison which were made in winds of equal velocity; the best angle of one machine should be compared with the best angle of the other; the lowest speed of one with the lowest of the other where all data are complete; the highest speed of one with the highest of the other; and averages should be based on a large number of standard glides in both cases. Otherwise comparisons are worse than useless and would tend to lead us all astray.

I am afraid the request of L'Aerophile will have to be turned down, if for no other reason because of lack of sufficient material, to make so extended a notice. Really, we would rather not.

We ate hoping to start for Kitty Hawk about Sept. 20th, having been delayed beyond expectation.

Octave Chanute to Wilbur Wright, August 27, 1903