Octave Chanute to Wilbur Wright

Paris, April .4, 1903

Your experiments are attracting a good deal of attention in Paris. I have had to give several talks, and to promise to write something for publication. L'Aerophile wants your picture and that of your brother Orville to publish with the article I have agreed to prepare. You are therefore upon the receipt of this to go to the photographer and be "took," and to send me two copies of each at Chicago, where I expect to be on May 8th to 10th; sailing on the Kronprinz Wilhelm from Southampton on the 29th of April.

I know you to be so modest that you will demur, but the thing is not to be avoided, as the editor was very particular. I wish to please him, because he has now apologized for having allowed a correspondent (some years ago) to call me a thief in his columns, and, as a token that I bear no ill will, I have agreed to have my own picture taken, and to "look pleasant."

You might as well get the photographer to print at my expense a lot of pictures from your negatives. There is a run on them; I have given out most of those I had with me.

It seems very queer that after having ignored all this series of gliding experiments for several years, the French should now be over enthusiastic about them. The Germans and the English have taken more notice, and it does not come as a surprise to them that men actually take toboggan rides on the air. Our friend Mr. Patrick Alexander came over from London to hear me spout, and sends his best respects to you. He says that when I get to London (which I expect to do on the 10th) I may effect considerable good for the attendance on the St. Louis Exposition, which is the chief subject of my talks, and the main object of my present stop in the French capital.

I have just ordered an anemometer Richard which I will bring back with me, and send to you with my compliments.

With best respects to you & Orville, [&c.]

Octave Chanute to Wilbur Wright, April 11, 1903