By Samuel Pierpont Langley.

The editor of "The Annual" has asked me to give matter of a somewhat personal nature for a narrative account of my work in aerodromics.

The subject of flight interested me as long ago as I can remember anything, but it was a communication from Mr. Lancaster, read at the Buffalo meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, in 1886, which aroused my then dormant attention to the subject. What he said contained some remarkable but apparently mainly veracious observations on the soaring bird, and some more or less paradoxical assertions, which caused his communication to be treated with less consideration than it might otherwise have deserved. Among these latter was a statement that a model, somewhat resembling a soaring bird, wholly inert, and without any internal power, could, nevertheless, under some circumstances advance against the wind without falling; which seemed to me then, as it did to members of the Association, an utter impossibility, but which I have since seen reason to believe is, within limited conditions, theoretically possible.

I was then engaged in the study of astro-physics at the Observatory in Allegheny, Pennsylvania. The subject of mechanical flight could not be said at that time to possess any literature, unless it were the publications of the French and English aeronautical societies, but in these, as in everything then accessible, fact had not yet always been discriminated from fancy. Outside of these, almost everything was even less trustworthy; but though after I had experimentally demonstrated certain facts, anticipations of them were found by others on historical research, and though we can now distinguish in retrospective examination what would have been useful to the investigator if he had known it to be true, there was no test of the kind to apply at the time. I went to work, then, to find out for myself, and in my own way, what amount of mechanical power was requisite to sustain a given weight in the air, and make it advance at a given speed, for this seemed to be an inquiry which must necessarily precede any attempt at mechanical flight, which was the very remote aim of my efforts.

The work was commenced in the beginning of 1887 by the construction, at Allegheny, of a turn-table of exceptional size, driven by a steam-engine, and this was used during three years in making the "Experiments in Aerodynamics," which were published by the Smithsonian Institution, under that title, in 1891. Nearly all the conclusions reached were the result of direct experiment in an investigation which aimed to take nothing on trust. Few of them were then familiar, though they have since become so, and in this respect knowledge has advanced so rapidly that statements which were treated as paradoxical on my first enunciation of them are now admitted truisms.

It has taken me, indeed, but a few years to pass through the period when the observer hears that his alleged observation was a mistake; the period when he is told that if it were true, it would be useless; and the period when he is told that it is undoubtedly true, but that it has always been known.

May I quote from the introduction to this book what was said in 1891?

"I have now been engaged since the beginning of the year 1887 in experiments on an extended scale for determining the possibilities of, and the conditions for, transporting in the air a body whose specific gravity is greater than that of the air, and I desire to repeat my conviction that the obstacles in its way are not such as have been thought; that they lie more in such apparently secondary difficulties as those of guiding the body so that it may move in the direction desired, and ascend or descend with safety, than in what may appear to be the primary difficulties due to the nature of the air itself," and, I added, that in this field of research I thought that we were, at that time (only six years since), "in a relatively less advanced condition than the study of steam was before the time of Newcomen." It was also stated that the most important inference from those experiments as a whole was that mechanical flight was possible with engines we could then build, as one-horse power rightly applied could sustain over 200 pounds in the air at a horizontal velocity of somewhat over 60 feet a second.

As this statement has been misconstrued, let me point out that it refers to surfaces, used without guys, or other adjuncts, which would create friction; that the horse-power in question is that actually expended in the thrust, and that it is predicated only on a rigorously horizontal flight. This implies a large deduction from the power in the actual machine, where the brake horse-power of the engine, after a requisite allowance for loss in transmission to the propellers, and for their slip on the air, will probably be reduced to from one-half to one-quarter of its nominal amount; where there is great friction from the enforced use of guys and other adjuncts; but above all where there is no way to insure absolutely horizontal flight in free air. All these things allowed for, however, since it seemed to me possible to provide an engine which should give a horse-power for something like 10 pounds of weight, there was still enough to justify the statement that we possessed in the steam-engine, as then constructed, or in other heat engines, more than the indispensable power, though it was added that this was not asserting that a system of supporting surfaces could be securely guided through the air or safely brought to the ground, and that these and like considerations were of quite another order, and belonged to some inchoate art which I might provisionally call aerodromics.

These important conclusions were reached before the actual publication of the volume, and a little later others on the nature of the movements of air, which were published under the title of "The Internal Work of the Wind" (Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, Volume XXVII., 1893, No. 884). The latter were founded on experiments independent of the former, and which led to certain theoretical conclusions unverified in practice. Among the most striking and perhaps paradoxical of these, was that a suitably disposed free body might under certain conditions be sustained in an ordinary wind, and even advance against it without the expenditure of any energy from within.

The first stage of the investigation was now over, so far as that I had satisfied myself that mechanical flight was possible with the power we could hope to command, if only the art of directing that power could be acquired.

The second stage (that of the acquisition of this art) I now decided to take up. It may not be out of place to recall that at this time, only six years ago, a great many scientific men treated the whole subject with entire indifference as unworthy of attention or as outside of legitimate research, the proper field for the charlatan, and one on which it was scarcely prudent for a man with a reputation to lose, to enter.

The record of my attempts to acquire the art of flight may commence with the year 1889, when I procured a stuffed frigate bird, a California condor, and an albatross, and attempted to move them upon the whirling table at Allegheny. The experiments were very imperfect and the records are unfortunately lost, but the important conclusion to which they led was that a stuffed bird could not be made to soar except at speeds which were unquestionably very much greater than what served to sustain the living one, and the earliest experiments and all subsequent ones with actually flying models have shown that thus far we cannot carry nearly the weights which Nature does to a given sustaining surface, without a power much greater than she employs. At the time these experiments were begun, Penaud's ingenious but toy-like model was the only thing which could sustain itself in the air for even a few seconds, and calculations founded upon its performance sustained the conclusion that the amount of power required in actual free flight was far greater than that demanded by the theoretical enunciation. In order to learn under what conditions the aerodrome should be balanced for horizontal flight, I constructed over 30 modifications of the rubber-driven model, and spent many months in endeavoring from these to ascertain the laws of "balancing" that is, of stability leading to horizontal flight. Most of these models had two propellers, and it was extremely difficult to build them light and strong enough. Some of them had superposed wings; some of them curved and some plane wings; in some the propellers were side by side, in others one propeller was at the front and the other at the rear, and so every variety of treatment was employed, but all were at first too heavy, and only those flew successfully which had from 3 to 4 feet of sustaining surface to a pound of weight, a proportion which is far greater than Nature employs in the soaring bird, where in some cases less than half a foot of sustaining surface is used to a pound. It had been shown in the "Experiments in Aerodynamics" that the centre of pressure on an inclined plane advancing was not at the centre of figure, but much in front of it, and this knowledge was at first nearly all I possessed in balancing these early aerodromes. Even in the beginning, also, I met remarkable difficulty in throwing them into the air, and devised numerous forms of launching apparatus which were all failures, and it was necessary to keep the construction on so small a scale that they could be cast from the hand.

The earliest actual flights with these were extremely irregular and brief, lasting only from three to four seconds. They were made at Allegheny in March, 1891, but these and all subsequent ones were so erratic and so short that it was possible to learn very little from them. Penaud states that he once obtained a flight of 13 seconds. I never got as much as this, but ordinarily little more than half as much, and came to the conclusion that in order to learn the art of mechanical flight it was necessary to have a model which would keep in the air for at any rate a longer period than these, and move more steadily. Rubber twisted in the way that Penaud used it, will practically give about 300 foot-pounds to a pound of weight, and at least as much must be allowed for the weight of the frame on which the rubber is strained. Twenty pounds of rubber and frame, then, would give 3,000 foot-pounds, or one-horse power for less than six seconds. A steam-engine, having apparatus for condensing its steam, weighing in all 10 pounds and carrying 10 pounds of fuel, would possess in this fuel, supposing that but one-tenth of its theoretical capacity is utilized, many thousand times the power of an equal weight of rubber, or at least one-horse power for some hours. Provided the steam could be condensed and the water re-used, then, the advantage of the steam over the spring motor was enormous, even in a model constructed only for the purpose of study. But the construction of a steam-driven aerodrome was too formidable a task to be undertaken lightly, and I examined the capacities of condensed air, carbonic acid gas, of various applications of electricity, whether in the primary or storage battery, of hot-water engines, of inertia motors, of the gas engine, and of still other material. The gas engine promised best of all in theory, but it was not yet developed in a suitable form. The steam-engine, as being an apparently familiar construction, promised best in practice, but in taking it up, I, to my cost, learned that in the special application to be made of it, little was really familiar and everything had to be learned by experiment. I had myself no previous knowledge of steam engineering, nor any assistants other than the very capable workmen employed. I well remember my difficulties over the first aerodrome (No. 0), when everything, not only the engine, but the boilers which were to supply it, the furnaces which were to heat it, the propellers which were to advance it, the hull which was to hold all these,­were all things to be originated, in a construction which, as far as I knew, had never yet been undertaken by any one.

It was necessary to make a beginning, however, and a compound engine was planned which, when completed, weighed about 4 pounds, and which could develop rather over a horse-power with 60 pounds of steam, which it was expected could be furnished by a series of tubular boilers arranged in "bee-hive" form, and the whole was to be contained in a hull about 5 feet in length and 10 inches in diameter. This hull was, as in the construction of a ship, to carry all adjuncts. In front of it projected a steel rod, or bowsprit, about its own length, and one still longer behind. The engines rotated two propellers, each about 30 inches in diameter, which were on the end of long shafts disposed at an acute angle to each other and actuated by a single gear driven from the engine. A single pair of large wings contained about 50 square feet, and a smaller one in the rear about half as much, or in all some 75 feet, of sustaining surface, for a weight which it was expected would not exceed 25 pounds.

Although this aerodrome was in every way a disappointment, its failure taught a great many useful lessons. It had been built on the large scale described, with very little knowledge of how it was to be launched into the air, but the construction developed the fact that it was not likely to be launched at all, since there was a constant gain in weight over the estimate at each step, and when the boilers were completed, it was found that they gave less than one-half the necessary steam, owing chiefly to the inability to keep up a proper fire. The wings yielded so as to be entirely deformed under a slight pressure of the air, and it was impossible to make them stronger without making them heavier, where the weight was already prohibitory. The engines could not transmit even what feeble power they furnished, without dangerous tremor in the long shafts, and there were other difficulties. When the whole approached completion, it was found to weigh nearer 50 pounds than 25, to develop only about one-half the estimated horsepower at the brake, to be radically weak in construction, owing to the yielding of the hull, and to be, in short, clearly a hopeless case.

The first steam-driven aerodrome had, then, proved a failure, and I reverted during the remainder of the year to simpler plans, among them one of an elementary gasolene engine.

I may mention that I was favored with an invitation from Mr. Maxim to see his great flying-machine at Bexley, in Kent, where I was greatly impressed with the engineering skill shown in its construction, but I found the general design incompatible with the conclusions that I had reached by experiments with small models, particularly as to what seemed to me advisable in the carrying of the centre of gravity as high as was possible with safety.

In 1892 another aerodrome (No. 1), which was to be used with carbonic acid gas, or with compressed air, was commenced. The weight of this aerodrome was a little over four and a half pounds, and the area of the supporting surfaces six and a half square feet. The engines developed but a small fraction of a horse-power, and they were able to give a dead lift of only about one-tenth of the weight of the aerodrome, giving relatively less power to weight than that obtained in the large aerodrome already condemned.

Toward the close of this year was taken up the more careful study of the position of the centre of gravity with reference to the line of thrust from the propellers, and to the centre of pressure. The centre of gravity was carried as high as was consistent with safety, the propellers being placed so high, with reference to the supporting wings, that the intake of air was partly from above and partly from below these latter. The lifting power (i.e., the dead-lift) of the aerodromes was determined in the shop by a very useful contrivance which I have called the "pendulum," which consists of a large pendulum which rests on knife edges, but is prolonged above the points of support, and counterbalanced so as to present a condition of indifferent equilibrium. Near the lower end of this pendulum the aerodrome is suspended, and when power is applied to it, the reaction of the propellers lifts the pendulum through a certain angle. If the line of thrust passes through the centre of gravity, it will be seen that the sine of this angle will be the fraction of the weight lifted, and thus the dead-lift power of the engines becomes known. Another aerodrome was built, but both, however constructed, were shown by this pendulum test to have insufficient power, and the year closed with disappointment.

Aerodrome No. 3 was of stronger and better construction, and the propellers, which before this had been mounted on shafts inclined to each other in a V-like form, were replaced by parallel ones. Boilers of the Serpolet type (that is, composed of tubes of nearly capillary section) were experimented with at great cost of labor and no results; and they were replaced with coil boilers. For these I introduced, in April, 1893, a modification of the ælopile blast, which enormously increased the heat-giving power of the fuel (which was then still alcohol), and with this blast for the first time the boilers began to give steam enough for the engines. It had been very difficult to introduce force pumps which would work effectively on the small scale involved, and after many attempts to dispense with their use by other devices, the acquisition of a sufficiently strong pump was found to be necessary in spite of its weight, but was only secured after long experiment. It may be added that all the aerodromes from the very nature of their construction were wasteful of heat, the industrial efficiency little exceeding half of one per cent., or from one-tenth to one-twentieth that of a stationary engine constructed under favorable conditions. This last aerodrome lifted nearly 30 per cent. of its weight upon the pendulum, which implied that it could lift much more than its weight when running on a horizontal track, and its engines were capable of running its 50-centimetre propellers at something over 700 turns per minute. There was, however, so much that was unsatisfactory about it, that it was deemed best to proceed to another construction before an actual trial was made in the field, and a new aerodrome, designated as No. 4, was begun. This last was an attempt, guided by the weary experience of preceding failures, to construct one whose engines should run at a much higher pressure than heretofore, and be much more economical in weight. The experiments with the Serpolet boilers having been discontinued, the boiler was made with a continuous helix of copper tubing, which as first employed was about three millimetres internal diameter; and it may be here observed that a great deal of time was subsequently lost in attempts to construct a more advantageous form of boiler for the actual purposes than this simple one, which with a larger coil tube eventually proved to be the best; so that later constructions have gone back to this earlier type. A great deal of time was lost in these experiments from my own unfamiliarity with steam engineering, but it may also be said that there was little help either from books or from counsel, for everything was here sui generis, and had to be worked out from the beginning. In the construction which had been reached by the middle of the third year of experiment, and which has not been greatly differed from since, the boiler was composed of a coil of copper in the shape of a hollow helix, through the centre of which the blast from the ælopile was driven, the steam and water passing into a vessel I called the "separator," whence the steam was led into the engines at a pressure of from 70 to 100 pounds (a pressure which has since been considerably exceeded).

From the very commencement of this long investigation the great difficulty was in keeping down the weight, for any of the aerodromes could probably have flown had they been built light enough, and in every case before the construction was completed the weight had so increased beyond the estimate, that the aerodrome was too heavy to fly, and nothing but the most persistent resolution kept me in continuing attempts to reduce it after further reduction seemed impossible. Toward the close of the year (1893) I had, however, finally obtained an aerodrome with mechanical power, as it seemed to me, to fly, and I procured, after much thought as to where this flight should take place, a small house-boat, to be moored somewhere in the Potomac; but the vicinity of Washington was out of the question, and no desirable place was found nearer than thirty miles below the city. It was because it was known that the aerodrome might have to be set off in the face of a wind, which might blow in any direction, and because it evidently was at first desirable that it should light in the water rather than on the land, that the house-boat was selected as the place for the launch. The aerodrome (No. 4) weighed between 9 and 10 pounds, and lifted 40 per cent. of this on the pendulum with 60 pounds of steam pressure, a much more considerable amount than was theoretically necessary for horizontal flight. And now the construction of a launching apparatus, dismissed for some years, was resumed. Nearly every form seemed to have been experimented with unsuccessfully in the smaller aerodromes. Most of the difficulties were connected with the fact that it is necessary for an aerodrome, as it is for a soaring bird, to have a certain considerable initial velocity before it can advantageously use its own mechanism for flight, and the difficulties of imparting this initial velocity with safety are surprisingly great, and in the open air are beyond all anticipation.

Here, then, commences another long story of delay and disappointment in these efforts to obtain a successful launch. To convey to the reader an idea of its difficulties, a few extracts from the diary of the period are given. (It will be remembered that each attempt involved a journey of thirty miles each way.)

Nov. 18, 1893. Having gone down to the house-boat, preparatory to the first launch, in which the aerodrome was to be cast from a springing piece beneath, it was found impossible to hold it in place on this before launching, without its being prematurely torn from its support, although there was no wind except a moderate breeze; and the party returned after a day's fruitless effort.

Two days later a relative calm occurred in the afternoon of a second visit, when the aerodrome was mounted again, but, though the wind was almost imperceptible, it was sufficient to wrench it about so that at first nothing could be done, and when steam was gotten up, the burning alcohol blew about so as to seriously injure the inflammable parts. Finally, the engines being under full steam, the launch was attempted, but, owing to the difficulties alluded to and to a failure in the construction of the launching piece, the aerodrome was thrown down upon the boat, fortunately with little damage.

Whatever form of launch was used it became evident at this time that the aerodrome must at any rate be firmly held, up to the very instant of release, and a device was arranged for clamping, it to the launching apparatus.

On November 24th another attempt was made to launch, which was rendered impossible by a very moderate wind indeed.

On November 27th a new apparatus was arranged to merely drop the aerodrome over the water, with the hope that it would get up sufficient speed before reaching the surface to soar, but it was found that a very gentle intermittent breeze (probably not more than three or four miles an hour) was sufficient to make it impossible even to prepare to drop the aerodrome toward the water with safety.

It is difficult to give an idea in few words of the nature of the trouble, but unless one stands with the machine in the open air he can form no conception of what the difficulties are which are peculiar to practice in the open, and which do not present themselves to the constructor in the shop, nor probably to the mind of the reader.

December 1st, another failure; December 7th, another; December 11th, another; December 20th, another; December 21st, another. These do not all involve a separate journey, but five separate trips were made of a round distance of 60 miles each before the close of the season. It may be remembered that these attempts were in a site far from the conveniences of the workshop, and under circumstances which took up a great deal of time, for some hours were spent on mounting the aerodrome on each occasion, and the year closed without a single cast of it into the air. It was not known how it would have behaved there, for there had not been a launch, even, in nine trials, each one representing an amount of trouble and difficulty which this narrative gives no adequate idea of.

I pass over a long period of subsequent baffled effort, with the statement that numerous devices for launching were tried in vain, and that nearly a year passed before one was effected.

Six trips and trials were made in the first six months of 1894, without securing a launch. On the 24th of October a new launching piece was tried for the first time, which embodied all the requisites whose necessity was taught by previous experience, and, saving occasional accidents, the launching was from this time forward accomplished with comparatively little difficulty.

The aerodromes were now for the first time put fairly in the air, and a new class of difficulties arose, due to a cause which was at first obscure,­for two successive launches of the same aerodrome, under conditions as near alike as possible, would be followed by entirely different results. For example, in the first case it might be found rushing, not falling, forward and downward into the water under the impulse of its own engines; in the second case, with every condition from observation apparently the same, it might be found soaring upward until its wings made an angle of 60 degrees with the horizon, and, unable to sustain itself at such a slope, sliding backward into the water.

After much embarrassment the trouble was discovered to be due to the fact that the wings, though originally set at precisely the same position and same angle in the two cases, were irregularly deflected by the upward pressure of the air, so that they no longer had the form which they appeared to possess but a moment before they were upborne by it, and so that a very minute difference, too small to be certainly noted, exaggerated by this pressure, might cause the wind of advance to strike either below or above the wing and to produce the salient difference alluded to. When this was noticed all aerodromes were inverted, and sand was dredged uniformly over the wings until its weight represented that of the machine. The flexure of the wings under these circumstances must be nearly that in free air, and it was found to distort them beyond all anticipation. Here commences another series of trials in which the wings were strengthened in various ways, but in none of which, without incurring a prohibitive weight, was it possible to make them strong enough. Various methods of guying them were tried, and they were rebuilt on different designs,­a slow and expensive process. Finally, it may be said, in anticipation (and largely through the skill of Mr. Reed, the foreman of the work), the wings were rendered strong enough without excessive weight, but a year or more passed in these and other experiments.

In the latter part of 1894 two steel aerodromes had already been built which sustained from 40 to 50 per cent. of their dead-lift weight on the pendulum, and each of which was apparently supplied with much more than sufficient power for horizontal flight (the engine and all the moving parts furnishing over one-horse power at the brake weighed in one of these but 26 ounces); but it may be remarked that the boilers and engines in lifting this per cent. of the weight did so only at the best performance in the shop, and that nothing like this could be counted upon for regular performance in the open. Every experiment with the launch, when the aerodrome descended into the water, not gently, but impelled by the misdirected power of its own engines, resulted at this stage in severe strains and local injury, so that repairing, which was almost rebuilding, constantly went on,­a hard but necessary condition attendant on the necessity of trial in the free air. It was gradually found that it was indispensable to make the frame stronger than had hitherto been done, though the absolute limit of strength consistent with weight seemed to have been already reached, and the year 1895 was chiefly devoted to the labor on the wings and what seemed at first the hopeless task of improving the construction so that it might be stronger without additional weight, when every gramme of weight had already been scrupulously economized. With this went on attempts to carry the effective power of the burners, boilers, and engines further, and modification of the internal arrangement and a general disposition of the parts such that the wings could be placed further forward or backward at pleasure, to more readily meet the conditions necessary for bringing the centre of gravity under the centre of pressure. So little had even now been learned about the system of balancing in the open air that at this late day recourse was again had to rubber models, of a different character, however, from those previously used, for in the latter the rubber was strained, not twisted. These experiments took up an inordinate time, though the flight obtained from the models thus made was somewhat longer and much steadier than that obtained with the Penaud form, and from them a good deal of valuable information was gained as to the number and position of the wings, and as to the effectiveness of different forms and dispositions of them. By the middle of the year a launch took place with a brief flight, where the aerodrome shot down into the water after a little over 50 yards. It was immediately followed by one in which the same aerodrome rose at a considerable incline and fell backward, with scarcely any advance after sustaining itself rather less than ten seconds, and these and subsequent attempts showed that the problem of disposing of the wings so that they would not yield, and of obtaining a proper "balance," was not yet solved.

Briefly it may be said that the year 1895 gave small results for the labor with which it was filled, and that at its close the outlook for further substantial improvement seemed to be almost hopeless, but it was at this time that final success was drawing near. Shortly after its close I became convinced that substantial rigidity had been secured for the wings; that the frame had been made stronger without prohibitive weight, and that a degree of accuracy in the balance had been obtained which had not been hoped for. Still there had been such a long succession of disasters and accidents in the launching that hope was low when success finally came.

I have not spoken here of the aid which I received from others, and particularly from Doctor Carl Barus and Mr. J. E. Watkins, who have been at different times associated with me in the work. Mr. R. L. Reed's mechanical skill has helped me everywhere, and the lightness and efficiency of the engines are in a large part due to Mr. L. C. Maltby.
